Taking Blame For Your Actions

3 Tips To Build Rapport With Clients

The Best Way To Take Responsibility

As a real estate agent, taking responsibility differs depending on the person. Many people think that the things that occur in their lives can be in or out of their control. The problem is that they lose the chance to improve themselves because they blame the situation and let it control them.

Blaming the situation can be valid sometimes, but it strips you of the possibility that you could’ve done things differently that would lead to a different result.

You’ll keep doing and experiencing the same stuff that would otherwise be different if you just focused on what you can do rather than putting your entire focus on the situation. Today, we will discuss the importance of Ultimate Responsibility and how to apply it to your life.

What is Personal and Ultimate Responsibility?

Personal Responsibility means that you are accountable for your actions. It involves recognizing and accepting the consequences of one's decisions, whether they are positive or negative.

Ultimate Responsibility means that you accept that everything that occurs in your life is your creation. It often implies the acknowledgment of being ultimately accountable for the outcomes, decisions, or actions within a particular domain or role.

Why take Ultimate Responsibility for your actions?

It might be hard to accept that we are responsible for everything in our lives. Still, I'm encouraging you to consider that 100% of what occurs to you is a result of your thoughts and actions, even when the outcome seems entirely outside your control.

You can either take charge of your existence or continue to believe that life ‘happens’ to you. You can always make a choice.

You will be amazed at the results you witness when you accept that you are 100% responsible for anything that happens to you in your life.

By taking Ultimate Responsibility, you will seek solutions to all scenarios. When you approach life as if you are accountable for all, you will have more control over your destiny and create better results.

Other actions you could take

These are the other actions you could take that would immediately enhance your life: 

  • Be honest with yourself and with others. When you make a mistake, admit it emphatically. 

  • Be genuine. Be empathetic and place yourself in the other person’s shoes. 

  • Praise others for what they do well and refrain from criticism. If you must mention critical feedback to another person, remember that a barber lathers a man before he shaves him. Seek first to find positive input and then share vital and specific strategies they could implement to improve.


To conclude, taking ultimate responsibility can help you determine your future. This is because you seek solutions and adjustments the next time you do the same activity.

It will significantly help how you react to certain situations, which could give you better results. Lastly, everything that occurs in your life is an effect of something you did in the past, big or small, which means that you’re always in control of your own results.