The Self-Coaching Model: Programming Your Way to Better Circumstances


Episode Summary

Unleash Your Full Potential: Master the Self-Coaching Model and Transform Your Circumstances!

Have you ever considered the immense power locked within your thoughts? It's this incredible force that shapes the very fabric of our lives. It's like this secret code, a self-coaching model guiding how we think, feel, act, and, ultimately, the results we see.

Real Estate Coach Dan Rochon of No Broke Months for Real Estate Agents talks about how you can program your way to better circumstances. He discusses the self-coaching model and leads the class in an exercise about how visualizations could create your reality.

Learn how to program your way to better circumstances in this new episode of No Broke Months for Real Estate Agents.

It's not the circumstances that dictate our thoughts; it's the other way around. Our thoughts are the maestros, conducting the symphony of our lives. And when we grasp this, we unlock this fantastic ability to rewrite our story by reshaping our thoughts.

So, what's in this "programming"? It's like a toolkit of cool stuff: meditation, affirmations, visualizations, workouts, soaking up knowledge from books or podcasts, and hanging out with folks who uplift you. When we use these tools smartly, they become our magic wand to redesign our lives.

Think about a simple experiment: when folks visualize extending their arm, their reach expands afterward. It shows how powerful our thoughts make things happen in real life.

Let's talk real life, like envisioning success in real estate sales while soaking in the hot tub or sauna. It's not just about hitting those numbers; it's about understanding how that success ripples through our lives and those around us.

But this isn't a one-time gig. It's like an ongoing chat with yourself. It's about digging deep and asking why we weren't our best selves today. By doing that, we start untangling these sneaky mental knots that hold us back.

Belief is the secret sauce. When we believe in ourselves and mix it with our mental mojo and serious hustle, we break free from that rollercoaster of uncertainty, especially in fields like real estate.

For fellow agents riding the income rollercoaster, this approach offers stability. By mixing dreams with serious elbow grease, the path veers from uncertainty to a solid streak of success.

This self-coaching is no magic trick; it's a roadmap for change. It's about realizing that our thoughts aren't just spectators but the architects of our reality. When we tap into that power, weaving dreams with real action, we start crafting a success story that's uniquely ours.

Do you doubt yourself? 

If yes, then I invite you to borrow our belief. You are unstoppable, and with CPI, you will achieve your goals!

You just need to find YOUR Way. 

I wrote Real Estate Evolution - The Ten Step Guide to Consistent and Predictable Income to help you discover YOUR Way and offer it as a gift for free. 

The book is a step-by-step manual that will guide you to understand how I have had No Broke Months (with an average of 10 monthly sales) since 2008 - and it will show you how you can do the same moving forward.

You can Claim Your Copy HERE.

Imagine that you are successful as an agent in six months, have figured out how to do the business and have monthly closings, and are reaching your potential, which means you will have the courage to stick to selling and make more money. 

Others will admire and value you. 

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