Be More Effective In Your Sales Technique By Focusing On The Closest Outcome To You


Episode Summary

Unlock Insane Sales Success: Master the Art of Closing by Zoning in on Immediate Wins!

In sales, landing a deal is the big win. But it's not a direct shot. It's about zeroing in on the closest step to reaching that victory.

Real Estate Coach Dan Rochon of No Broke Months for Real Estate Agents talks about how to be more effective in your sales technique by focusing on the closest outcome to you. He also shares a process called One-Two Punch Sentence Question to get the results you want.

Learn how to be more effective in your sales techniques in this new episode of No Broke Months for Real Estate Agents.

Imagine this: You've got a lead's name and email. You might think, "Let's sell them a home!" But hold up. The first step isn't the sale; it's having a good chat. Before selling anything, you need a meaningful conversation. So, what's the tiniest move? Just pick up the phone and call.

But what if you don't have their number? That's where the 'one-two punch' trick comes in. It's an intelligent way to chat with someone and get their number without being too direct.

Let's break it down. Say you've got an email from John Turner. Start with a friendly sentence about his house hunt, then ask a question about how long he's been looking. Keep this pattern going, aiming to get them on a call naturally.

But what if they stop responding? Persistence helps, but it's okay to shift focus if they ghost you. Not every lead will turn into a sale, especially if they're not keen.

The key? Know where you are in the process and how interested the person is. It's cool to move on to someone more interested if they're not engaging.

Sales success isn't just about the final sale. It's about each step toward it. Focus on the closest step, adapt to different responses, and let every chat get you closer to sealing the deal.

Do you doubt yourself? 

If yes, then I invite you to borrow our belief. You are unstoppable, and with CPI, you will achieve your goals!

You just need to find YOUR Way. 

I wrote Real Estate Evolution - The Ten Step Guide to Consistent and Predictable Income to help you discover YOUR Way and offer it as a gift for free. 

The book is a step-by-step manual that will guide you to understand how I have had No Broke Months (with an average of 10 monthly sales) since 2008 - and it will show you how you can do the same moving forward.

You can Claim Your Copy HERE.

Imagine that you are successful as an agent in six months, have figured out how to do the business and have monthly closings, and are reaching your potential, which means you will have the courage to stick to selling and make more money. 

Others will admire and value you. 

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