Your Phone Conversation Framework with the Seller Roleplay


Episode Summary

Mastering the Art of Phone Negotiation: Channel Your Inner Seller with this Roleplay Framework!

In real estate, good communication is vital. As a real estate agent, it's crucial to understand your client's needs and explain your plan clearly.

Real Estate Coach Dan Rochon of No Broke Months for Real Estate Agents shows how you can successfully converse with sellers. He does this by doing a roleplay with his student and also mentions the importance of rapport.

Learn how to get in touch with the seller and have a successful conversation in this new episode of No Broke Months for Real Estate Agents.

Let's explore a simple phone conversation framework based on a roleplay scenario with a seller. We'll focus on active listening and adjusting your approach to each client.

Start by asking your client about their expectations. Your client wants his house sold quickly and for a reasonable price. Respond confidently, promising to meet these expectations.

And then go beyond the basics. Ask, "Besides that, what else would you like from me?" This question helps uncover more needs and gives you a better understanding of what the client wants.

The next thing to do is to discuss your marketing plan, explain it, and demonstrate it during the call. Emphasize the goal of getting more people to view the property, aligning with your client's wish for a quick and profitable sale.

Before meeting in person, let your client know your plan: "When we sit down at the appointment, I'll explain how we'll get the most people to view this property." Prepare to address any questions or concerns your client might have.

It's also essential to listen closely to your client's words. Write down their specific phrases during the call and use them in your face-to-face meeting. This simple technique builds rapport and connection, following the CPI communication model.

In conclusion, successfully talking to potential sellers involves more than just a sales pitch. It requires active listening, understanding expectations, and speaking to match the client's language.

Using these simple techniques, real estate agents can build trust and set the stage for a successful property transaction.

Do you doubt yourself? 

If yes, then I invite you to borrow our belief. You are unstoppable, and with CPI, you will achieve your goals!

You just need to find YOUR Way. 

I wrote Real Estate Evolution - The Ten Step Guide to Consistent and Predictable Income to help you discover YOUR Way and offer it as a gift for free. 

The book is a step-by-step manual that will guide you to understand how I have had No Broke Months (with an average of 10 monthly sales) since 2008 - and it will show you how you can do the same moving forward.

You can Claim Your Copy HERE.

Imagine that you are successful as an agent in six months, have figured out how to do the business and have monthly closings, and are reaching your potential, which means you will have the courage to stick to selling and make more money. 

Others will admire and value you. 

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